Graves Mountain near Lincolnton
Uploaded By Scott (webmaster) Uploaded on Monday, July 27, 2009 at 04:40:31 PM Viewed 11403 times |
This website or the contributor can't guarantee the information here to be accurate or to be up-to-date, although that is the intention for the data. Illegal activity or property damage is not the responsibility of this website, but each visitor is encouraged to review the Rockhound Code of Ethics. Each website visitor is advised also to consider reference sources listed and outside sources in their research before visiting the location. |
Details: This place is for collecting; "Collecting Rutile, Kyanite, Lazulite, Iridescent Hematite, Pyrophyllite, Pyrite, Ilmenite, Fuchsite, Barite, Sulfur, variscite, woodhouseite, crandallite, strengite, phosphosiderite, cacoxenite, blue quartz, quartz crystals, etc."
This is one of the most well-known collecting locations in the southeast. Two sites have some info about this place: and To schedule you need to call: "Contact Information: Clarence Norman Jr. (Junior) - 706-359-1544 (his business) or 706-401-3173 (his cell)"
From "", "Handy to bring along: 1. Everything but the kitchen sink 2. Rock hammer 3. Safety Glasses 4. Hand Truck 5. Small sledge hammer 6. Rock bag or buckets 7. Screen 8. Gloves"
Directions: DIRECTIONS: From Atlanta's I-285, take I-20 east to the exit for Washington, GA SR 78 (SR 10, SR 17) and turn left. Travel north to Washington, turn right onto SR 378 and drive 11 miles to the Graves Mountain area. The entrance to Graves Mountain is on your right about 8/10 mile past the Lincoln county line sign. -OR- Just after you exit onto SR 78, turn right onto GA 43 and drive towards Lincolnton about 13 miles. Take a left onto GA 220 going Northwest for about 3 miles to SR 378. Take a left on SR 378 and go about 2 miles. The entrance will be on your left.
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GPS Coordinates (lat,long): ( 33°44'23.46"N, 82°31'40.37"W)
or (33.739850, -82.527880)
Google Map: (The GPS marker is intended to be approximate or best guess.)
Mindat Link:
Tags: Lava Lazurite Quartz Rutile graves mountain lincolnton georgia pit mine Rutile, Kyanite, Lazulite, Iridescent Hematite Pyrophyllite Pyrite Ilmenite Fuchsite Barite Sulfur variscite woodhouseite crandallite strengite phosphosiderite cacoxenite blue quartz quartz crystals
Iridescent Hematite on Kyanite from Graves Mt. Georgia |
Iridescent Botryoidal Hematite var Turgite from Georgia |