Diamond Hill Quartz Property Antreville, SC US Uploaded By Scott (webmaster) Uploaded on Friday, September 4, 2009 at 02:11:06 PM Viewed 7578 times |
Details | Directions |
For details go to the Diamond Hill information page. There is a lot of good information there. You will need to be a small group or part of mineral club group to make reservations. Here is some minerals to collect: "Quartz (milky and translucent) crystal plates, Skeletal (complex crystal sides) quartz crystal plates, Amethyst crystals (uncommon), Smoky quartz crystals (more abundant than Amethyst). Recent micro-mineral finds: Cacoxinite (bright yellow to golden radiating fibrous masses), and Silver (native and argentite) (rare). Also, pseudomorphs of calcite and pyrite." Here is what you would bring: "If you want to explore the dump piles, bring a scratching tool (like rake or hoe) and a probe (like a big screwdriver) to pry pieces out of the dirt/clay. If you want to work in the native veins, you can bring a pick and shovel, prybar, rock hammer and chisels. Bring your lunch, plenty of fluids, sunscreen, a hat, gloves, sturdy boots, newspaper for wrapping crystals, and buckets/boxes for carrying crystals. Bring rubber boots and a change of clothes if the ground is wet or there is a good chance of rain." Update 1/20/2021: The mine has their own website: https://diamondhillmine.com/. It says: " Fees: Adult>..18+…….$20 Teen>…13-17…..$10 Senior>.65+…….$10 Child>6-12……….$5 5 & under are free Contacts for Reservations Please contact the following to make reservations for a day at the mine if after 2pm or are planning to camp. Gina Clary: (864)934-3744 E-mail: dhmine(at symbol)rocketmail.com" | For directions go to the Diamond Hill information page. On their official website their address is "50-99 Diamond Mine Road, Abbeville SC" |