Welcome to FindingRocks.com. This website has cataloged 629 rock collecting locations (48 US states represented and 76 "original" locations), archived 15080 Collector Specimens, and there have been 921 pictures uploaded to this site.
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I am an amateur rockhound who enjoys discovering new places to find some nice rock specimens.
This is a place where we
can share locations to collect specific minerals, crystals, fossils, etc. I have mainly concentrated on searching for rocks in my immediate area
and finding specimens that do not take much effort or time to bear forth. Mainly my collections have been plucked from the ground as-is.
Although it is hard to find museum quality specimens without heavy equipment, mine access, or private party ownership; it is very easy to
find satisfaction and reward in searching the available public collecting locations.
In this website, hopefully you will find a friendly consortium of information to search for rocks in your area. I have started by listing some
collection sites that I have visited, and have added locations that are public knowledge with my references intact. This site is not limited to public collecting sites, but it can also include private sites visited or sites
that have been read about. The intention is to document the source material of a site if it is from a book or other website, and also to avoid plagiarism of intellectual property of publications.
This website might also be helpful in identifying the rough specimens that are collected, as well as providing links to reference information or other
specimens hosted on other websites. Please be patient as I attempt to build in different features to this website as I go along.
I expect that the easiest collecting locations to track and access will be new highway roadcuts and mine trailing piles. If you find one or some in
your area please feel free to share this information with others by using this website, even if the location is far away from me! Thank you for
visiting FindingRocks.com and happy hunting!
Update on Sep. 10, 2009: Version 2.0 of this website is nearly complete. I intend to provide search capabilities of this website and add critical content to this website in the form of ebay items that were found near these locations. In future updates after 2.0, I hope to provide the ability to not just add photos of rocks found but to allow for specimens with multiple photos to be created.
Also, I am pondering whether to provide functionality for people to share field trip experiences, make blog entries, manage their profiles, share information in forums, and create locations that can only be viewed by people in their local rock club. A suggestion/comment form should be surfacing soon if you would like to respond to my ideas. If not, you can write a comment in the form at the bottom of this page.
just found this site, sweet. I grew up in Fairborn Oh, where the fossil site is. Your marker shows that it is in Indiana. Fairborn is approx 10 miles due east from Dayton Ohio. The fossil park is north of I-675 and st rt 235 on the north side of 235.. hope this was helpful
dwtdenver - Jan 28, 2010 08:40:47 AM EST Sure would be nice to have some location info with the pictures uploaded.
Scott (webmaster) - Mar 19, 2009 10:44:12 PM EST Thanks for visiting findingrocks.com